Superior CVI Hosts Relay for Life
On June 3rd, students at Superior CVI hosted an extraordinary Relay for Life event in support of Canadian Cancer Society!
The event opened with the Survivor’s Opening Lap and continued on with relay races, a BBQ, and various activities for teams to take part in, including tug-of-war, scavenger hunts, obstacle courses, face painting, and more! Mehar Mago, Lakehead District School Board student trustee, was on the event’s planning committee and was pleased to be a spokesperson for the event.
“Relay for Life is an event which inspires the community to not only fundraise for cancer research but to unite in the face of cancer. It is important to show cancer patients and survivors that our community supports them, and this event does just that.” – Mehar Mago, Lakehead District School Board Student Trustee
Thank you to all students, staff, and community members who contributed to this important cause!

and Principal Ryan McDonnell (right) were in attendance